Thursday, May 6, 2010

Out Into The Wild Blue Yonder...

Well, I'm headed to Montana in the morning. I don't know that I even have a place to sleep tomorrow night, but I'm going come Hell or high water. I don't know what awaits me there or what in the world I'll find myself doing, but Lord knows it's going to be an adventure and a half. I'm nervous but I'll survive. They don't have sweet tea out there though, so we'll see how that's going to go. The thing is, I know that no matter how nervous I am, I might as well do it while I can. I'm going to take advantage of the opportunities afforded me and not blink twice at saying I appreciate it. It's just that way. But the wild blue yonder isn't just off to the west for the summer...

It's more than just that. The wild blue yonder I find myself continuously galloping into is that of my future. One day, I'm so sure it holds a life at home with my whole family, a husband, kids, a house, white picket fence, the works. The next day, I want to turn and run the other way. I don't even know what I want to do when I graduate. I guess I'm just hoping something good will fall in my lap. I've gotten many things by just letting them fall right into my lap. I guess I figure that's how it's going to be forever. And it may very well be, who knows?

Anyways, that's just me wondering.

On another note, I'm learning we can't have control of every situation in our lives. You've got to let go and let God. If you let him, he'll put the pieces of the puzzle together. I'm not always the most religious person, but my Mama and Daddy did raise me up in the Baptist church, and I learned the stories, about Jesus and God, who died to save my sins, and who to pray to when I laid my head down at night. I'm finally beginning to understand that it's not always about what you want when you pray. It's about what's best. And if anybody knows what's best, it's the big man. Right now, I feel a little frustrated with that. I think he's giving me a pass to learn it the easy way or learn it the hard way, and if you know me, you know I'm hard headed, and you know if I don't do things the hard way I'm not satisfied. I might set myself up to fall flat on my face, but in the end, I guess getting back up makes me stronger.

I'm not going out west to meet a cowboy (who meets all the requirements I'll describe later), by the way. If, however, a cowboy rides on over on his horse and sweeps me up to the wild blue yonder...then don't look for me back in Georgia. I'll be a lost cause forever.

1 comment:

  1. I was just quoting this to Mrs. Scoggins today---"let go and let God." Btw, is it okay that I'm living a little vicariously through you?...because this is what I would've done at your age but I didn't have the courage! Take your opinionated self to Wyoming and make history!
