Legalize marijuana.
I know that sounds like the voice of a deadhead speaking, but let me outline my plan for you, before you just shake your head.
To legalize marijuana, there would have to be some strict guidelines, akin to those we have set aside for tobacco and alcohol purchase and sales. Before I go into those proposed guidelines, let me tell you how this helps our government and economy.
Tax the crap out of it. People will buy it. According to the 2009 (found hereNSDUH ) 18. 1 percent of adults aged 18-25 used marijuana in the last month, according to the survey. That's 2 in 10, not a bad number, especially when you consider that in 2007 the CDC reported that 19.8% of adults were cigarette smokers ( So clearly, issue number one is not whether or not people would actually purchase marijuana. So, sell it for a going rate, add a ten percent tax on it, and contribute that money to the bajillion dollar deficit our nation is currently faced with. After that is paid off, we stop spending money we don't have. period. Then, contribute that money to after school programs for your inner city and rural school children, put the focus on our future. Use the money to fund tutoring programs, peer mentor programs, drug abuse and domestic violence programs, anything and everything that can make this country better for our future, by focusing on the kids who will make it happen. Set aside a set amount every year to go into a "savings account" for the frivolous things our government likes to spend money on, like wars with no end. Once a system is established for spreading out the tax money among the school systems, take anything leftover and put it into homeless and convict rehabilitation (NOT PRISON), to make the present lives of those who want to do better, better.
Now that we have established how the money should be spent and where it would come from, let's talk about how it would create jobs and boost our economy.
Like any agrarian business, growing marijuana would require land, manufacturing plants, and a whole system, much like the tobacco industry has set up. This would boost jobs. You have plants opening up all over the place specifically for the manufacture and package of marijuana cigarettes or pipes--I don't know data on how many jobs that would bring in, but I would place a bet on the idea that it would be thousands--maybe more. It's important to note that in legalizing it, some very specific things would have to take place to keep the jobs from being outsourced quickly, the most important of these things is that it would not be legal to import or export marijuana. The only legal marijuana in the U.S. would be marijuana grown in the U.S. So you have fields that need planted, crops that need harvesting, technology that must be reinvented. And while we're at it, let's go ahead and take care of our environment some by including in the bill to pass the legalization of marijuana that any plant that is opened to produce marijuana to be eco-friendly (consult a couple of environmental engineers for this part of the bill). Also require the processing and harvesting of the plants to be as eco friendly as possible--use biodiesel in tractors and require the farmers of marijuana to find other innovative ways to make sure they do their part to keep the environment from being harmed.
Since we're so concerned about the harm of the environment, lets talk finally about the harm to people. I realize that smoking pot hurts people. Bad for your lungs and all. But, put warning labels on every package sold and make sure people are aware of the risks--it creates a whole market for marijuana free ads, just like the smoke free campaigns we see today, someone pays for that stuff and it's not taxpayers, generally.It's already illegal to drive under the influence, so that's taken care of. An amount would need to be included in the bill, say, no person without a permit for the manufacture, production, or growing of marijuana may have more than x amount at a time and if caught with more than that at one time, throw stiff monetary penalties at the offenders, because we don't need more people in jail, but we could certainly use their money. It would also be important to stipulate an age at which smoking would not be inappropriate, because clearly we do not need a bunch of high ten year olds running around.
So, this is just a rough idea about fixing our economy and making the world a better place. I'm sure there are holes in my argument that one can find. I'm sure there are people who will read this and shake their head and say no, no, no, no. No matter what the evidence says. And this may never come to a vote. It's just a common sense idea from a common sense person, that's all.
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